Nutritional Medicine & Functional Testing
As a Nutritional Medicine practitioner, I use a holistic, root cause, and evidence-based approach to health that focuses on using food, nutrients, and lifestyle changes to support your body’s natural healing processes, and restore balance in your body for optimal functioning.
I consider how your diet impacts the intricate and connected systems of your body, including hormone health, and tailor nutritional strategies to restore balance and address the root causes of hormonal imbalances.
By incorporating therapeutic foods (food as medicine), targeted nutrients, and evidence-based practices, nutritional medicine helps women like you manage symptoms including PMS, irregular cycles, heavy or painful periods, infertility, and conditions including PCOS, Endometriosis, and hypothyroid, while promoting long-term optimal health.
What is Nutritional Medicine?
Interpreting and analysing pathology tests from a functional perspective
Functional reference ranges are based on optimal ranges. This is a smaller range than the conventional medical reference ranges, which are looking for diagnosable disease states. The functional optimal range looks at anything that is suboptimal, alongside your symptoms, which gives us indication that something within the physiology is out of balance and causing dysfunction.
Identifying imbalances and dysfunction in the body gives us the opportunity to address the root causes and restore balance to resolve and manage symptoms. If we are able to discover this before it reaches a diagnosable disease state, it may help us prevent and reverse it.
Please keep in mind, this is not a replacement for medical testing or advice. As a Nutritional Medicine practitioner, we are not Doctors and do not diagnose. It is about interpreting your tests from a functional perspective (typically done through your Doctor, however we can order tests or additional tests if required - this is an out of pocket cost).
Functional lab tests
Functional tests offer a deeper investigation into your symptoms, dysfunction and imbalances, and health state. The main functional test I utilise with my clients is the DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) test, which is an at-home urine sample test.
The DUTCH Test is an advanced hormone test that covers the most extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones, hormone metabolites, cortisol and melatonin patterns and organic acid markers, which provide insight into how your hormones are functioning, nutritional deficiencies, oxidative stress, gut dysbiosis, neuroinflammation and more.
Why use the DUTCH test?
Hormone levels fluctuate in our blood throughout the day. Blood tests provide results at the moment the bloods are drawn. The DUTCH test utilises urinary hormone profiles taken at different times of the day, as well as hormone metabolites. This gives a true picture of what is happening with your hormones, as well as understanding how your body is metabolising and excreting hormones.
What is Functional Testing?
Functional Hormone Testing & Personalised Protocol
Take the at home DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) to assess your root causes of hormone imbalances.
Once your results are in, receive a 90 min online consult with Tris discussing your results, a thorough assessment of your health history, nutrition and lifestyle, and discussing a personalised treatment and supplement protocol.
Package includes:
✔ DUTCH Complete test + postage (cost $499)
✔ 90 minute online consult with Tris (value $295)
✔ Personalised nutrition, lifestyle & supplement protocol (supplements are additional cost)
✔ 7 day personalised meal plan (value $99)
✔ Empowered Flo ‘Healthy Hormones Nutrition Guide’ ebook (value $89)
✔ Sync Your Cycle masterclass access (value $39) - understand your hormones & cycle, learn to effectively track your cycle, and how to align your nutrition and lifestyle with your cycle phases
Get all of this today for only $797
Please note: by having a complimentary wellness call with Tris to discuss this package, you will not be charged anything if you decide not to proceed, or if Tris' suggests this isn’t the best next step for you. You are welcome to book this call if you have further questions about DUTCH testing or this package before deciding to proceed.
Frequently Asked Questions
The DUTCH test is suitable for women with hormonal imbalances symptoms such as:
Irregular periods (< 25 days or > 35 days)
Heavy, clotty &/or painful periods
PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, PMDD
Acne & skin breakouts pre- or during period
Hair loss or thinning hair
Unexplained rapid weight gain or loss
Irritability / mood swings pre-period
Fatigue, sleep disturbances, insomnia
Excessive feelings of hot or cold
Anxiety and/or depression
It is particularly helpful for women how have had symptoms chronically, &/or tried nutrition and lifestyle changes without results.
Please book a complimentary wellness call to discuss whether this test is the best next step for you. You will not be charged anything by having this call if you decide not to proceed or if Tris suggests this isn’t suitable for you
It is not recommended to do DUTCH testing whilst on The Pill (Oral Contraceptive Pill) as it will give no information on oestrogen and progesterone as they will be suppressed and reduced. If you have decided to come off the Pill, wait 3 cycles before testing.
After having your complimentary Wellness Call with Tris, the test will be ordered once payment has been received. An at-home test kit will be posted to you direct from RN Labs within 1 business day, please allow 1-5 days to receive this). You will need to take the test 5 days after ovulation (Tris will discuss this during your call).
Once you complete the test you will send your samples back to RN Labs by post, this may take up to 1 week to arrive at RN Labs. Test results then take between 2 – 3 weeks from the date your sample is received by RN Labs. RN Labs then forwards the results to your practitioner (Tris). RN Labs cannot send results directly to you. Only your practitioner can explain your results to you.
The DUTCH test kit comes with full instructions. If you have any questions once your receive your kit, please contact Tris via email before taking the test.
Ovulation test strips or saliva scope from the pharmacy can be used to confirm ovulation. Once ovulation is confirmed, the ideal sample collection time is 5 days later. Tris will discuss this with you further during your complimentary call.